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Kastriot Çunaku

Engineer + Developer, Designer, Javascript, Illustrator, and UX Designer

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eKesco - Mobile & Web App

Design and development for KESCO Energy mobile app. eKesco is being used by over 100k active monthly users.

YOVI - Your online digital agency

YOVI bring together a trusted community of freelancers with clients looking to produce exciting digital solutions, all within a centralised digital platform.

Hi there

I'm Kastriot, currently working as a Software Engineer. I have been working in the digital and software industry for over 10 years. My projects include software development, and UI/UX development. Being comfortable with code allows me to rapidly prototype and validate experiences. If you're interested in the tools and software I use, check out my uses page.

In my spare time, I enjoy working on small side projects, traveling, and engaging in professional development activities. I am always open to discussing new projects, so please feel free to contact me.

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan